Friday, July 13, 2012

Become Healthy, not just Skinny

Girls don't just
simply decide to
hate their bodies, 
we teach them.
Something I have struggled with during my weight loss journey is knowing when I have lost enough. I wonder many days if I will ever feel "good enough" for the world. So many women will tell you that their struggle with food started when they were just children, either leading them to the most common eating disorder of eating too much or leading them to stop eating all together. 
I have come to a size now that I am constantly getting told how skinny I look and most of the time it just lifts me up and makes me feel amazing! Then there are those days that I have all that extra water weight and just don't really feel the way that I am told and think it's time to lose more instead of maintaining. Have you ever heard of fat girl syndrome?  It's where you used to be overweight and are finally healthy but still feel like that fat girl you used to be. I am still struggling with this even though I know that I am healthy. I don't like saying skinny because I believe there can be such a negative image with that as well, but I sure don't feel like it some days especially when I have my slip eating two cupcakes in a row! 
I have learned through this that I want to teach my girls the importance of being healthy, NOT that they need to be skinny. The world has made the image of how women and girls should look like to a little bitty thing when in all honesty, that girl you see in that picture is not healthy in how she eats. God tells us many times in the Bible just how beautiful we are. Through this blog I pray that I can help other women seek a healthy lifestyle and also realize just how beautiful they are. 
Song of Solomon 4:1 Behold, you are beautiful, my love, behold, you are beautiful!


  1. You know the picture of the "fat girl" is really a healthy girl. To often healthy girls are seen as fat.

  2. I completely agree! The picture was going along with the quote about how our world teaches children at a young age that they need to be stick thin. That is why I chose the title Become Healthy not just Skinny, because I want people to know that as long as you are living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a healthy weight, you don't have to be super skinny. Does that make since? I am not a very thin person and have never been. I strive to be healthy and don't believe that you should starve yourself or take away everything that you enjoy! I HAVE to eat my chocolate or ice-cream every night! I do not give up anything, but I do control the amount that I give myself. I believe the girl reflected in the mirror is absolutely beautiful and healthy and want every person to believe that as well.
