Saturday, July 14, 2012

It's Okay to Look a little Silly

Let me clarify first, I am not a runner, nor will I ever be a runner. I want to be a runner, but I already have pretty aggressive osteoarthritis in my knees and so that will never happen, but that does not keep me from getting my exercise in. My latest form of exercise that I absolutely love is Zumba! I do not have much coordination but the group of ladies that are at Zumba are amazing! I have heard from a lot of people that they do not like exercising because they are afraid that they look stupid or that they don't go to the gym because they are afraid of what other people there may think of them. A lot feel that they are not as beautiful as the woman next to them that has never really had to work at being skinny but has those awesome genes! You know what? I have been there done that! My first round at trying to get in shape my husband and I joined the gym. I had just had my youngest daughter and so I was certain I would hit the gym everyday and get back into shape! Well.....not so much! My daughter had lots of health issues in the beginning so I missed a lot of chances of going to the gym and then if I did go I could only workout for no more then an hour because of her age and her personality. Excuses. Shortly after joining weight watchers I found a new love for walking. Of course I could never go alone, so I would put one of my girls in a baby carrier on my back and we would walk anywhere from 3-5 miles a day! It never seemed like work to me because I got to enjoy time alone with one daughter at a time and to really reflect on how beautiful everything around me was. On one of my many walks with a little girl on my back, I had a lady stop and beg me to let her take me home. Apparently I looked a little homely and she thought I didn't have a car. I assured her I was exercising and after her begging me for nearly 10 minutes I was on my last half mile stretch till I got home. Now my primary form of exercise is Zumba and occasionally I do kickboxing which is a killer workout! The point of me writing this blog today was to encourage you to find something that you enjoy and stick with it! Yes, the girl next to you  my look hot but God made you and you are beautiful. I also believe that God wants us to be healthy and a great step towards that is to get active! Find a workout buddy or two that will help keep you accountable and who doesn't mind going walking with you.
The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:31 that whatever we do we’re to do it to the glory of God. It also tells us in Isaiah that we were created and formed by God to glorify Him.  This is our primary purpose in life – to glorify God. We do that when we care for our body and live a healthy lifestyle.

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